Ttg persahabatan di........

ok..kali nie zira nk tnye pendapat korgla..
sila dga cite nie ye...
i knew this person a year ago..
i knew that person during a event that was held when i worked at koperasi sdaha..
this event called touch typing..
that person from another agencies..i'm i correct?haha..nevermindla..ehe..
during that time,i just knew his/her name only..
i knew it becoz that person from pontian..
so..i knewla..haha..
broken englishla..huhu..
please help me..

n after a month i thing..
that person contact me..
the person have my number becoz during the last day of that aunt send they to angsana.. aunt bought them mc donald..
so..sebagai balsan..dia ckp dia nk blanje kteorg semula..
tp..selepas sebln..xde gak..
ttiba ade satu mlm tu..dia called zira..
ingtkan sape..upenye dia..
dia bg satu lagu suro zira dga..
kebetulan mase tu mmg tga online..
so dgala..
tajuk lagu tu ialah..saat terakhir..
1st time dga mmg xske sgtla lagu tu..
tp ble da lame2 dga..tersuka plak..ehe..
sweet sbnrnye lagu tu..
so kalu nk tau..dgala..ehe..
then..we contact each other since that time.."dia" always called me actually..
but..when "dia" started working.."dia" so perdana menteri..haha..
until now.."dia" busy..
i have to understand becoz now "dia" in poli perlis..
ok..i understand..
but yg zira agk xske ble zira bg msg..dia xpna nk bls..
xpna nk cntct blik..sejak dia masok poli nie..
mase awal2 masok poli tu..adela dia cntct..
tp sejak dia sa start study nie..xpna langsung cntct smule..
bg msg pon haram nk bls..
mane zira xmara..
since then..i dont want to contct that person until that person cntct me..ehe..
so ego right..
zira cite kt kwn2 pon..ckp xpatotla dia wat cmtu...
kalu da xnk kwn..ckpla..
jgn mendiamkan diri je..huhu.. da xnk kwn ngan kte..nk wat cane..huhu..

so..ape pendapt korg ttg cite nie...
ape patot zira wat..
zira xnkla kehilangan kwn2..

p/s:have to study for test..calculus test..wish me luck...


zulhelmi said…
think that u should be more patient with this friend.
positive thinking is needed!
never ever cross on your mind that you dont want to befriend with him/her anymore.
berdosa putuskan tali silaturrahim.
ZieRa said…
tq for d advice..
insyallah..i will think positive side..
tq one again..

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