Ladies Night!!

ni fara n mai kt ladis night..bru lps senam seni nie..

me n hajar..senam seni gak nie..

ni didie n mye..aktiviti yg same..ehe

nila lady2 yg join ladies night nie..
sory amik dr blakang je..ehehe
me,mai n fara...

nila gmbr mase ladies night tu..ehe..
smpt amik nie je..
tp xpe..nanti ade lg..dia setiap ari rabu mlm..

ha..korg mesti ingt lain kn..ehe
sbnrnye ladies night nie bknla sesuatu yg negatif..
actually this is the positive thing..
its was held on last wednesday..on 20th jan 2010..
all girls of uitm was invited..
that,we have sports..
there are many kind of sports..
1st the all..we have senam aerobik..
then..all the girls seperated to play the other sports such as netball,futsal,ping pong,tennis..n others..
i only join the aerobik because i wear scandal..not sports shoes..ehehe..
da tau2 ade sukan,g pki scandal je..eheh...
mane nk tau..sbb dia ckp perasmian je..
so..pki sandal jela..ehehe..

this event finished at 10pm..
after i n hajar got the tcop,we went to aour kolej..
i had fun that night n it quite release my stress becoz..
at that night,i had some problem n i need to do somthing when i stress..
i also need somenone..
lucky me..its settle already..ehe..

see ya..
p/s:sory if i do wrong in my english..
i just want to test n train myself to be better in english..
wish me luck k..
sori eh kalu ade salah..kalu ade salah in my english,plez tell me becoz i want to know if i do it wrong..
luv u all...


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